Mayank Pawar

Frontend Developer & Youtuber



Hi! This is Mayank.

A student and sometimes a Youtuber who loves bringing dreams to life through my-skills!

Checkout my Resume

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Some honourable mentions

Mr Rattler - Youtube

The channel has more than 78K Subscribers and It's growth is amazing! I edit videos, create thumbnails, do SEO, and my brother does live streams.

View Project

Created this Website

The project was based on making a creative Website which showcase my skills!

View Project

Mayank Pawar -Youtube

The idea is to make a platform for students to meet and form a community wherein they have freedom to express their thoughts, learn desired skills and connect with like minded people. First starting to build an audience on youtube.

View Project

Avalon Voice Room Host

I was one of the member of Avalon's discord community there I successfully graduated and moved to scenes!

View Certificate


Some of my recent works and my services

Simplicity is key to Writing

I have recently started writing and posting on linkedin. i am enjoying it a lot!

View Article
Use Canva to make Designs

Social Media Design

I make designs on Canva for Social Media!

View Designs - Coming Soon
Built Face Recognition App Using Python

Guvi Geek Networks

Built it just for fun I am not an Expert!

View Certificate

Certificates and Internships

Some of my works that got accomplished
  • Portfolio Website

    Designed a Full website which will showcase my skills.

    Website Soon
  • Technical Support Fundamentals

    I have successfully compeleted technical fundamentals course on coursera by Google!

  • Social Media Marketing Intern

    I worked as a Social Media Marketing Intern at unschool and learned teamwork, developed a good understanding of social media. Also, learned how startups grow with the use of social media. Overall had a great experiance!
